LGPro Awards for Excellence


LGPro is the member association and leading voice for people working in Local Government. We support, represent and advocate for all people working in Councils across Victoria through:

  • Sector specific professional development to help them in their work and progress their careers
  • Opportunities to develop strong networks with sector leaders
  • Representing their interests with a credible and independent voice.



The LGPro Awards for Excellence promote and celebrate the outstanding work being undertaken and delivered by individuals and teams working in Local Government in Victoria. This year 11 award categories are being offered, with the small rural Council award category being offered again this year. Small rural Councils nominating across any of the original categories (except Young Achiever) will automatically be entered into this category without having to make a separate submission. This category has been introduced in recognition of the resource challenges faced by these Councils.

LGPro will form a panel to judge each category. Members will be selected for their technical and specialist skills, knowledge and experience related to particular categories. The judging panel’s decision is final with no correspondence entered into regarding their decision.

The award winning Councils will be announced at an awards ceremony to be held following the 2024 LGPro Annual Conference (event details to be announced).

Winners in each category, whether they are an individual or in a team, will receive a statuette and the Council they represent will receive a replica of the statuette. The Young Achiever Award will also include honorary LGPro Membership for a 12 month period.

* click to view information.







About this Award

This award is for an initiative or program, implemented in conjunction with the First Nations community that has contributed towards enriching a community or municipality, delivered through an effective or innovative approach that goes beyond what the organisation has previously done. This could include, but is not limited to, initiatives in:

  • Professional development and education (both from a Council officer perspective and/or the First Nations community)
  • Business and economic development
  • Leadership in the community
  • Recreation and events
  • Governance and decision making
  • Environment and sustainability

Award Criteria

The key criteria that will be considered in judging this category are:

  • Clear description of approach adopted
  • Originality or effectiveness of the initiative
  • Evidence demonstrating how the successful approach was adopted
  • Transferability of the approach
  • Clarity of outcomes within the organisation and the community/municipality
  • Benefits to the organisation, Indigenous community and the broader community/municipality

Initiatives, projects or programs that have been implemented for 12 months or more are generally preferred nominations as they allow enough time to demonstrate measurable outcomes and community benefits. Due to the pandemic however, some Councils have fast tracked initiatives for more immediate benefit, so LGPro does allow initiatives that have not been implemented for 12 months as long as demonstrable outcomes exist.

Projects that do not have demonstrable outcomes will not score well with the judges and as such projects in their planning phase are not recommended.

About this Award

Projects demonstrating new ways of leading, facilitating, administering, controlling or ensuring a particular outcome is achieved and that make positive changes to management of an organisation’s practices or projects.

Award Criteria

The key criteria that will be considered in judging this category are:

  • Clarity of program/project objectives and outcomes
  • Originality and effectiveness of the initiative
  • Achievement of project versus intention
  • Sustainability/transferability of the initiative
  • Transferability
  • Demonstrated leadership
  • Size and complexity of initiative relative to funding and resources

Initiatives, projects or programs that have been implemented for 12 months or more are generally preferred nominations as they allow enough time to demonstrate measurable outcomes and community benefits. Due to the pandemic however, some Councils have fast tracked initiatives for more immediate benefit, so LGPro does allow initiatives that have not been implemented for 12 months as long as demonstrable outcomes exist.

Projects that do not have demonstrable outcomes will not score well with the judges and as such projects in their planning phase are not recommended.

About this Award

Initiatives demonstrating best practice (outstanding action), or the pursuit of excellence in service/s delivery to the community or specified target market and that will continue.

Award Criteria

The key criteria that will be considered in judging this category are:

  • Clarity of demonstrated outcomes
  • Benefits relative to cost
  • Size and complexity of initiative relative to funding and resources
  • Innovate and defining features
  • Effectiveness/transferability
  • Financial sustainability
  • Ability to meet specific clients/target group needs

Initiatives, projects or programs that have been implemented for 12 months or more are generally preferred nominations as they allow enough time to demonstrate measurable outcomes and community benefits. Due to the pandemic however, some Councils have fast tracked initiatives for more immediate benefit, so LGPro does allow initiatives that have not been implemented for 12 months as long as demonstrable outcomes exist.

Projects that do not have demonstrable outcomes will not score well with the judges and as such projects in their planning phase are not recommended.

About this Award

Initiatives that are exceptional and one-off. Projects entered in this category must be original and assist the community over and above Council’s day to day activities.

Award Criteria

The key criteria that will be considered in judging this category are:

  • Clarity of program/project objectives and outcomes
  • Demonstration of an effective/innovative approach and outcomes
  • Impact of the initiative
  • Size and complexity of initiative relative to funding and resources
  • Extent of leading practice
  • Cost benefits of the initiative

Initiatives, projects or programs that have been implemented for 12 months or more are generally preferred nominations as they allow enough time to demonstrate measurable outcomes and community benefits. Due to the pandemic however, some Councils have fast tracked initiatives for more immediate benefit, so LGPro does allow initiatives that have not been implemented for 12 months as long as demonstrable outcomes exist.

Projects that do not have demonstrable outcomes will not score well with the judges and as such projects in their planning phase are not recommended.

About this Award

Initiatives that demonstrate a commitment to working with and/or in the community to achieve positive outcomes.

Award Criteria

The key criteria that will be considered in judging this category are:

  • Clarity of outcomes and impact on the sector
  • Demonstrated leadership
  • Effectiveness of collaboration
  • Transferability of the initiative
  • Size and complexity of initiative relative to funding and resources

Initiatives, projects or programs that have been implemented for 12 months or more are generally preferred nominations as they allow enough time to demonstrate measurable outcomes and community benefits. Due to the pandemic however, some Councils have fast tracked initiatives for more immediate benefit, so LGPro does allow initiatives that have not been implemented for 12 months as long as demonstrable outcomes exist.

Projects that do not have demonstrable outcomes will not score well with the judges and as such projects in their planning phase are not recommended.

About this Award

Initiatives that maximise benefits to the community and showcase partnerships in developing and managing community assets. This section is for projects that cost $5 million and under that are new and a one-off activity of a capital nature.

Award Criteria

The key criteria that will be considered in judging this category are:

  • Clarity of the initiative’s outcomes
  • Innovative features
  • Demonstrated leadership
  • Cost benefits
  • Size and complexity of initiative relative to funding and resources
  • Transferability/key learnings
  • Demonstration of sustainability

Initiatives, projects or programs that have been implemented for 12 months or more are generally preferred nominations as they allow enough time to demonstrate measurable outcomes and community benefits. Due to the pandemic however, some Councils have fast tracked initiatives for more immediate benefit, so LGPro does allow initiatives that have not been implemented for 12 months as long as demonstrable outcomes exist.

Projects that do not have demonstrable outcomes will not score well with the judges and as such projects in their planning phase are not recommended.

About this Award

Initiatives that maximise benefits to the community and showcase partnerships in developing and managing community assets. This section is for projects that cost over $5 million and are new and a one-off activity of a capital nature.

Award Criteria

The key criteria that will be considered in judging this category are:

  • Clarity of the initiative’s outcomes
  • Innovative features
  • Demonstrated leadership
  • Cost benefits
  • Size and complexity of initiative relative to funding and resources
  • Transferability/key learnings
  • Demonstration of sustainability

Initiatives, projects or programs that have been implemented for 12 months or more are generally preferred nominations as they allow enough time to demonstrate measurable outcomes and community benefits. Due to the pandemic however, some Councils have fast tracked initiatives for more immediate benefit, so LGPro does allow initiatives that have not been implemented for 12 months as long as demonstrable outcomes exist.

Projects that do not have demonstrable outcomes will not score well with the judges and as such projects in their planning phase are not recommended.

About this Award

Initiatives that demonstrate excellence in the delivery of environmentally sustainable processes or projects. These provide a new way of ensuring programs, projects and developments meet present needs, without compromising future generations.

Award Criteria

The key criteria that will be considered in judging this category are:

  • Clarity of the initiative’s outcomes
  • Innovative features
  • Size and complexity of initiative relative to funding
  • Cost benefits
  • Sustainability of project

Initiatives, projects or programs that have been implemented for 12 months or more are generally preferred nominations as they allow enough time to demonstrate measurable outcomes and community benefits. Due to the pandemic however, some Councils have fast tracked initiatives for more immediate benefit, so LGPro does allow initiatives that have not been implemented for 12 months as long as demonstrable outcomes exist.

Projects that do not have demonstrable outcomes will not score well with the judges and as such projects in their planning phase are not recommended.

About this Award

This category is open to achievements/outcomes that acknowledge, support and celebrate diversity and inclusion in relation to internal practices and/or within the broader community context. This includes, but is not limited to ethnicity, language, ability, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, class, education level, personality, political beliefs and other ideologies. It is about understanding and respecting each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity within each individual - whether it be in an organisational or community context.

Award Criteria

The key criteria that will be considered in judging this category are:

  • Commitment to diversity and inclusion
  • Influence and originality
  • Capacity for establishing and maintaining partnerships
  • Benefits to the organisation and/or community
  • Outcomes achieved within the organisation and/or the community
  • Establishment of cross functional working relationships

Initiatives, projects or programs that have been implemented for 12 months or more are generally preferred nominations as they allow enough time to demonstrate measurable outcomes and community benefits. Due to the pandemic however, some Councils have fast tracked initiatives for more immediate benefit, so LGPro does allow initiatives that have not been implemented for 12 months as long as demonstrable outcomes exist.

Projects that do not have demonstrable outcomes will not score well with the judges and as such projects in their planning phase are not recommended.

About this Award

This award acknowledges recognisable achievements by people up to 30 years of age (as of 31 December 2023) and working in Local Government. Nominations will be accepted from both LGPro Members and Non-Members. The person putting forward the nomination must be an LGPro Member however, it is not a requirement for the nominee to be an LGPro Member.

Award Criteria

The key criteria that will be considered in judging this category are:

  • Major achievements of the nominee
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities
  • Level of commitment in driving change
  • Specific individual contribution made to a Council and/or sector
  • Commitment to self-development

About this Award

Small rural Councils nominating in existing categories will automatically be entered into this new category without a separate submission having to be made


Nominations OpenMonday 17 July 2023
Nominations CloseMonday 23 October 2023


Should you require any further information please contact:

Diana Pawluk
LGPro Manager Events
(03) 9268 6404