Community & Integrated Planning Award


LGPro, in conjunction with the LGPro Integrated Planning (formerly the Corporate Planners Network) Special Interest Group, invites nominations for the annual Community and Integrated Planning Award.

This award, formerly known as the Corporate and Community Planning Award, is now named the Community and Integrated Planning Award to reflect the sector’s greater focus on integrated planning.

This award celebrates the success of individuals and teams working in Victorian Local Government’s integrated planning space.

The Community and Integrated Planning Award focuses on local government initiatives that demonstrate excellence in the areas of:

  • Council planning
  • Community planning
  • Integrating Council and community planning
  • Performance measurement and management
  • Service planning, delivery or enhancement
  • Sustainable community involvement in Council and community planning
  • Planning for environmental sustainability
  • Planning for business transformation


Nominations for the award must be completed onlineand will close on Monday 19 February at 5pm.


Nominations will be accepted from both LGPro members and non-members, however at least one nominator must be an LGPro member. One of the two nominators must be the nominating council’s Chief Executive Officer. In the case of a team submission, at least one member of the team must be an LGPro member.


When you begin a nomination, you will be required to create a username and password. This allows you to complete the form in stages or add further information prior to the closing date. When submitting your nomination, all questions must be answered in sequential order to progress.

Up to five high-definition images in JPEG format must be included with a description of each photograph in the relevant space provided in the online application form. These digital photos must be at least 1MB each and no more than 5MB.

A short video (approximately two minutes) detailing the process undertaken in implementing the nominated initiative must also be submitted. The video will be used to provide the judging panel with more context around your nomination and as such does not have to be a polished production. If qualified as a finalist, you will be given the opportunity to submit a higher quality version that may be played at the Awards ceremony.


The judging panel will comprise a Local Government Chief Executive Officer or an LGPro Board Member and a Local Government representative. Each judge will individually review all nominations and allocate preferences based on how the submission meets the award criteria. Final scores will be reached through averaging and consensus of the judging panel. In the event of a tied decision, LGPro will assist with the adjudication.

Please Note: The LGPro Community and Integrated Planning Award is an initiative of the LGPro Integrated Planning Special Interest Group. Nominations for these awards will be received and judged by an independent panel appointed by LGPro. The judging panel’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Award Presentation

The award will be presented following the Integrated Planning stream at the 2024 LGPro Annual Conference on Wednesday 1 May 2024 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).


Finalists will be notified at least two weeks prior to the Annual Conference. All award finalists will receive a certificate which will be posted to their council.


The winning individuals/teams will receive an award in the form of a statuette and a certificate will be posted to their Chief Executive Officer and an article on the winning entry may appear in upcoming editions of LGPro’s Profile magazine.


Nominations Open16 October 2023
Nominations CloseFriday 1 March 2024


Should you require any further information please contact:
(03) 9268 6400